Dear Resident,
We are delighted that membership of Taney Area Residents’ Association for 2021-22 has now surpassed 150 households. Thank you for your continued support. Please let us know if there is any issue you would like us to consider this year (email:
The Goat Strategic Housing Development
There were 148 observations made relating to The Goat Strategic Housing Development (SHD). We would like to thank all the residents who took the time to make a submission. It will be very interesting to see how An Bord Pleanála and the Council view the application. A decision is due by June 17th. You may have seen the newspaper article in relation to The Goat SHD. If not, view the article here.
Spring Clean

Due to the restrictions around COVID-19, we will not be organising the usual Spring Clean this year. However, we would encourage residents to tidy the verges and footpaths adjacent to their homes. We are aware that some of you are regularly collecting litter that has been left around Taney. We can supply litter pickers if required. Please contact us to arrange safe collection of a picker. Please also contact us if you would be willing to join a roster of residents to pick litter.
Dog Poo – Doggy Doo-doo – Caca de Chien… whatever you want to call it!

There is one type of litter that will not be collected by even the most intrepid litter picker. Unfortunately, dog poo is being left behind on the green, and the paths and verges in the area. Please bag and bin any dog waste. In your own bin s’il vous plaît.
The Green
We have received a few requests for an additional bench on the green. A representative from the committee has contacted DLR Co Co and we are awaiting their response. We also hope to arrange additional planting on the green. Further details in future emails. Please contact us with any ideas you have to enhance our precious green space.
“The sunflower has many meanings across the world. Different cultures believe it means anything from positivity and strength to admiration and loyalty. In Chinese culture, sunflowers are said to mean good luck and lasting happiness”
We would like to encourage residents to plant sunflowers in their front gardens as a symbol of positivity for our community. 😊

To this end, we can put a few seeds in a little envelope through your door if you would like. You don’t need to be tech savvy to participate in this one! The sunflowers will certainly brighten up the place. We are now in the planting season. There will be prizes up for grabs. Contact us at to request your seed pack.
Taney Area Residents’ Association Spring Photo Competition

Photo must have a spring theme
Max 5 entries per household
Deadline 16th of May 2021
Further details on our website:
The rules
- Please send JPEGs/PNGs only.
- Please send us your photographs by email to
- Photographs must be seasonal (i.e., clearly show they were taken in spring) and be nature related.
- The photographs do not have to have been taken in 2021.
- This competition is open to all ages and abilities and will all be judged together.
- Entries must be received by 16th of May 2021.
- All entrants must own copyright.
- All entries need to be high enough quality to be featured on our social media/website.
- By entering the competition, you are allowing us to share your photograph on our social media (you will be credited).
- By entering you are giving us use of the image with no payment.
- Photos cannot contain any recognisable people.
- By entering the competition, you are agreeing to us potentially displaying your photograph in our ‘Taney Spring photo competition 2021’ Exhibition on our website.
Tara Website
Carmel O’Donohoe, Honorary Secretary of Taney Area Residents’ Association, has done some great work updating our website
There is a news blog which will be updated regularly and four other pages. The website will act as a repository for news stories and photos relating to Taney and the wider Goatstown area. We intend to build these news articles and galleries over time. Please send us any photos or stories that might be of interest to your neighbours. Any historical photos of Taney and Goatstown would be nice.
The website also includes a link to the DLR “Report It” Form that can be used to log an issue with the County Council: Report It
Tidy Districts Consultation
We will be availing of the opportunity to apply for a small grant for a Tidy Districts 2021 Consultation from DLR County Council, which will include –
a) A phone consultation with an environmental specialist to discuss the application form and any queries in June.
b) The specialist to visit the area (June or July).
c) A personalised report will be produced and returned by September.
d) A tidy district grant of €350 will be awarded to each participant group in September, to support actions arising from the consultation.
IGB Update – Planning Application Withdrawn
The Department of Education and Skills has withdrawn the planning application for the temporary buildings for the new Goatstown Educate Together Secondary School on the IGB site. The new secondary school will stay in the Notre Dame buildings for the year starting Sept 2021. We hope to arrange a meeting with the Principal this week.
dlr County Development Plan Art Competition
Full details here: dlr-art-competition The competition is open to all young people age 5-18, there will be prizes awarded within two categories:
• Age 5 – 12 • Age 13 – 18
Closing date for entries is Friday 30th April 2021.
Daisies Standing in the Rain
by Annette Wynne

Daisies standing in the rain,
Hold their heads together,
But they never once complain
Of the drenching weather.
Daisies know the sun will dry
All their dripping laces;
They’re far too wise to frown and sigh
And spoil their dainty faces.
Kind regards,
Andrew, Carmel, Claire, Jamie, Jane, Jenn, Kara, Mike and Shauna.
Taney Area Residents’ Association Committee 2021/2022
Membership runs from March to February each year.
Annual subs of €20 are due each March and can be sent via PayPal:
Or by cash/cheque (payee Taney Area Residents’ Association)
Contact us:email: web: twitter: @TaneyResi Facebook: Taney Residents Facebook Group