Category: Uncategorised

BirdWatch Ireland’s Irish Garden Bird Survey
BirdWatch Ireland’s Irish Garden Bird Survey is open to everyone and it couldn’t be easier to take part! It’s a great way for everyone in your house to really get
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How to make home-made bird feeders
Winter is the time of year that the birds really need you to put out food in your garden. Now according to BirdWatch Ireland, the natural food sources of fruit,
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Book Swap Saturday and Sunday, 11th & 12th September
Leave any spare books on your front wall or on a small table near the footpath.Take a walk around Taney and pick up some summer reading for yourself. Update on
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Taney Autumn Clean-up – Saturday, Sept 11th, 2021
We are delighted to invite you to the first in-person community event of the year.We hope that the weather will be kind to us and that you will join us
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Taney Autumn Clean-up – Saturday, September 11th, 2021 from 12 midday.
Taney Autumn Clean-up – Saturday, September 11th, 2021 from 12 midday. Join Dublin’s community clean-up this September! #DublinCommunityCleanupAll residents are invited to take part. By participating in organised clean-ups, groups
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We had a great response to our Spring photo competition, with three winners. Thanks to everyone who entered, the standard was very high. Check out the gallery for the fab
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TARA Newsletter – 10th May 2021
Dear Neighbours, we hope you are keeping well and that you are looking forward to the relaxation of restrictions from Monday, May 10th. Some of you will visiting friends and
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Tips on growing sunflowers
By: Kara Flannery Since you have received your seeds, hopefully they will have germinated by now and the seedlings may be about 3-5 inches high. If you haven’t planted them
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AGM – 24th February 2021
The Annual General Meeting of your residents’ association took place on Wednesday February 24th at 8pm. We covered: Treasurer’s Report Honorary Secretary’s Report Chairperson’s Report Consideration of Motions Received Committee
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